Thursday, April 29, 2010

Valithria's a Bitch

No seriously, she is a bitch. First we help heal her, six million...MILLION hit points, we ward off adds, get smacked in the face, burnt to the bone, harassed by frost archmages and assaulted by very hard hitting little worms and after we finally fill up her health bar...she just teleports away! What a bitch!

That's one more new boss down, after everyone's spirits were super high now that Putricide is laying dead in his laboratory of fun and creations!

I used my voidwalker for this fight for the occasional taunt away from someone, and also for the damage shield which is very very useful for the Blazing Skeleton's Lay Waste and also the random frost bolts flying around.

Truny the Warlock

Plaguewing Murdered

We had two new guild members join us for our re-attempt at Putricide today, an excellent ranged dps, and an excellent healer. We followed suit with our strategy, burning down slimes, waiting on transitions to clean out the room, kiting and taunting as needed, and after a couple consistent Phase 3 attempts HE'S DEAD!! I haven't felt so intense for a boss fight in a while, after having been murdered by Putricide so many times, and how having him at phase three consistently it's just stay calm, pew the pews and watch his health bar drop! Great job everyone!

Truny the Warlock

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Truny the Warlock on Deprogramming Darnavan

One of the Icecrown Citadel weekly quests is called "Deprogramming". This quest appears after Marrowgar is murdered for his loot and is given by some orc up the ramp after Marrowgar. This is also the first and possibly easiest weekly quest I have seen inside this raid instance.

Essentially, during the Deathwhisper fight a mob named Darnavan, who is under the vile influence of Deathwhisper will spawn and he must be off-tanked and kept alive during the entire boss fight. Once Lady Deathwhisper dies and the party ensures Darnavan is still alive, the quest is a success.

Demo warlocks rejoice, our Blueberries have a use once again! What we did was have Hathnagma (my Voidwalker) taunt Darnavan as he spawns, then clicked on him to follow me to the back/middle of the room and "stayed" him so he could receive heals and Darnavan was out of the way since he does a whirlwind. (Yeah, any type of warlock Voidwalker works really...)

Darnavan doesn't really hit that hard, about 3,000 white damage and with priest and paladin buffs my Voidwalker had about 31,000 HP, and exceeding 40,000 HP with Demonic Empowerment (just click this whenever its off cooldown for a safety buffer).

I couldn't turn off the Voidwalker's auto attack while it taunted, I guess he can only stand there and do nothing if he was well..doing nothing. Aka sending in the pet then switching it to passive will stop all its actions but it seems the taunt will also turn on its attack. Hence I used the Voidwalker since a felgaurd would probably deplete Darnavan's low HP pool. Anyways, he'll be above 50% HP before the fight is over anyways. (Now I am going to test if a felguard can taunt but not attack)

Another good thing about using the Voidwalker is his Sacrifice, which is perfect for this fight since it provides a shield that absorbs 10,500 damage every one minute!! This shield, along with using Shadow Ward when it was off cooldown was more than enough to mitigate a Deathwhisper Shadowbolt, and also enough to absorb most of the damage from one of the hard-hitting ghosts that spawn, or a tick of death and decay damage if it happens to spawn under you.

So, an easy peasy five emblems of frost!

Truny the Warlock

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Truny's Ghoulslicer

I said pictures or it didn't happen, but here's one of my Ghoulslicers enchanted with a nice Icy Weapon!

More pics for the week in review to come, I shall post them tomorrow (maybe!)

Truny the Ghoulslicer

Truny's Loot Drama - Ghoulslicer Update

So I ran regular Halls of Reflection many many times, since a friend needed the tanking shield from Marlic and fellow guildies wanted to upgrade their ALTs so I had lots of fun blowing shit up regardless of what the loots were, the mobs don't hit so hard in regular anyways.

First couple runs, no sword, QQ, next run it drops and I am allowed to roll Need on it and WOOT (pics to come later! Which means never cause I'm too lazy to open up my pics file and edit the pics and upload it and yeah..) drop!

Next run, another drops and I greed for fun and win a second Ghoulslicer! AMG! WTB DUAL WIELD!

The next day we attempt the dungeon and I managed to greed a THIRD one!

WTB TRI-WIELD! I'll wield it with my mouth I don't know!

With this sword and the nice expertise on it I can maintain a consistent 5.2k dps in most heroics (versus 5.8 using my "real" sword.......)

Truny the Ghoulslicer

Friday, April 23, 2010

Truny's Friday QQ - More Loot Drama

Forget the Shriveled Heart, I have my eyes on an even SHINIER item!

The Ghoulslicer !!

This sword is frickin' awesome! I know I have no business with a melee sword, but it looks frickin' awesome and I don't really feel the need to obtain anymore legitimate upgrades and this sword is going to be so awesome to swing around!

QQ Time:

Ok I've ran regular Halls of Reflection about THREE times and still haven't seen this sword drop, which drops off Farmic or Fralric or F whatever.

Apparently trying to queue for the Regular ICC 5 mans even as a TANK does not guarantee an insta-queue due to the lack of DPS (WHUT?), so queuing as a DPS takes even longer and the issue is: What if someone in the group actually NEEDS this sword. (Like my DK)

And characters at the level of my DK are probably in low level blues or even greens with the odd smattering of level 200 items. This sword would be a nice DPS boost, an actual DPS boost for dual wielding DKs looking for an upgrade. (Hmmm my DK could equip TWO but I don't want to play him)

I shall try again tonight, and if it drops I am so putting a freakin' Mongoose enchant on it since what else are we to do with this pile-up of gold and materials??

Truny the Expertise Sword Warlock

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good PUG Bad PUG: ICC 25

On Tuesday I had finally decided to drop my Death Knight's mining for Alchemy since Turby is already a maxed miner and I had an entire tab of herbs just waiting to be mixed into delicious chemicals.

I was switching back and forth between toons looking through their old bank bags and saw someone soliciting for some DPS in ICC 25.

"Ugh fine I'll join" I thought. I didn't have the "achievement" for 25 persons yet but I did have the 10 persons and the fights are essentially the same for the first wing anyways.

Method of recruitment: "What's your GS?". I replied with my score, they seemed happy with it.

I logged into Truny the Warlock and the group was already at Marrowgar yay no trash!

I have a habit of setting the tank as my focus just from being a healer (and the healer when I'm tanking) and as we pulled I saw the tank's HP drop all the way to 15% then back up.

PHEW. A few more seconds in, the boss' target switched "SMASH", that person died. I wonder who it was. Oh well.

Marrowgar does his bone storm and we all run around and dodge fire and what not and we all coalesce back to the same spot inside his hit box. BAM someone else dies. BAM the tank dies. I have a feeling we don't have an offtank?

The raid was called after that so I guess I had joined at the end of a long run on Marrowgar. Whatever, back to levelling Alchemy. (Which is now at 285, outlands level, at least I can fly around and gather herbs for my poor DK now)

Good PUG. Yesterday the same thing happened more or less, was gathering a bit higher level herbs and had hearthed back to mail them to Klupty when I saw another advertisement for Damages in ICC 25. This time I looked up the person asking first and yes they did have some clears.

We rocked our way to Marrowgar and this time the tank didn't die and we actually cleared all the way to Saurfang (pics or it didn't happen, I'll post them later).

Nothing THAT significant for those who have done this a billion times, and the first six or seven bosses in the raid are pretty simple anyways. Heck Lootship isn't even a boss you just...attack some boat and some people on a boat!

The Thing I Found Funny was that we cleared the first wing in entire silence. It was like running a random heroic. Creepy no? No one said anything, or typed anything except for clicking "yes" to ready checks. Since when did end-game content become walks in the park? I guess when everyone is sexy beautifu land confident, I mean competent things just happen. A lot of fellow raiders had commented "wow what a good pug".

Truny didn't find any sexy smexy upgrades though since as her mantra stands:

"If someone else needs the same item as Truny does, there is no way in hell she will ever win a roll against them. Ever"

That's my gripe with 25's, even MORE people to roll higher than my Truny Rolls: 2 (1-100)

That's ok. One more upgrade just means one less reason to play =(

Truny the Warlock

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random Dungeon Experiment

I pugchecked myself at, and as I had been complaining before, if my "Random" heroic dungeon is not Azjol Nerub it's Halls of Stone/Lightning. And recently, Culling of Stratholme.

Here's the count.

Azjol Nerub: 43
Culling of Stratholme: 34
Halls of Lightning: 29
Halls of Stone: 28

Every other dungeon is under 20 clears with almost 90% of them under 15 clears.

Since I only run one random heroic a day on Truny for the Only-Useful-Frosts, I am going to start keeping track of the names of the party members I see, because maybe I have been running H AN EVERYDAY with the same people without knowing?

It's funny, because even considering the high number of Azjol Nerub runs, the 28 Halls of Stone Stand In That Room With Lasers Event probably consist of the greatest amount of time wasted since 28 times that 5 minutes is like....what FIVE WEEKS?

Truny the Warlock

Go Die

Have you ever partied with that lone dps'er who just has to top the charts, even at their own peril?

I'm talking the random heroics here.

You know, the enhancement shaman that takes more damage than the tank, or the spinny warrior things that take more damage than the tanks, or the trigger happy hunter?

You know, in the first five seconds of the fight they already generated half the damage while everyone else is sitting at their initial pull 2k dps?

I love to mess with those people.

What do heroics consist of? Various groups of mobs, then a boss.

What's the fastest way for us to down anything in such groups?

Seed of Corruption. This spell is so fun it's not even funny.

The tank pulls four mobs. Get your haste up for heroics, you'll love it.

Let's say you cast a Seed on each of the four mobs. The average damage is 3,ooo to 6,200 crits so let's say 4,500. (Though in reality I usually see 5,000-6,200)

OTHER than a very geared rogue who can auto-attack 7003453353 dps, what other class can produce in the window of about five seconds:

(4 + 4 + 4 + 4) x 4500 for a total of about 75,000 damage? (See the example numbers is pretty low usually its 120,000 but that's assuming spell power on the higher end)

This makes them go insane!

When they see this on the first pull they will, they WILL ramp it up on the next pull and possibly draw aggro from multiple mobs and die.

***WARNING: This will generate a lot of threat. Practise! Try throwing out one seed, then topping it off with a rain of fire and see how your damage compares to the tank's. Then try two, three, four, etc.

Truny the AOE-FEST!

Friday, April 16, 2010

So in conclusion....

So the talk of the town are the new purchaseable crap at the Blizzard store.

Uh huh, the Celestial Steed or Horse or Whatever. When I first saw this I thought "oh...Ulduar's so outdated why are they adding a new mount for it but I guess Alagalon needs some loving and now he'll drop a mount in hard mode probably". Um, wrong. This mount is not obtained by killing Algalon on hard mode but you just buy it for $25 USD. I had my suspicions when I saw like seven hundred people in Dalaran afk'ing on these weird transparent mounts that these are indeed not obtained through the killing of something.

Thoughts? Well for the people sitting on it just to show off. FUCK OFF. No one cares that you paid $25 for something it's not even pretty it reminds me of some other mount we have in game but just transparent? Sure it's handy that every toon now gets this ugly thing but for myself, I don't think any of my characters are aligned to anything From The Heavens. And $25?? I don't even make that much in ten minutes!!

Sure it's new and shiny but something so accessible is not special. Heck none of us are special I guess that's the real underlying but this is not a Sociology blog so I'll leave it at that.

Sure you may have lots of money and can spend it on whatever you like but yeah, no one cares. Yeah I'm talking about YOU gearscore!

I also rode by one of them baby XT pets and it annoyed the fuck out of me. Actually I didn't even SEE the thing I HEARD it whining and whining which made me just want to DPS it down and TEAR OUT ITS FUCKIN HEART! Why would you want that thing following you if only to annoying the HELL out of everyone?

And now that the prelim class previews are all out...

Ok wait... come back.... COME BACK!!! Ok so wait, so like ok what resto druids don't have ok what any like changes?

Wait ok but listen to me here ok just listen cause I mean we like need this new cool spell and it'll be real cool and ok so:

Remember a long time ago I demanded this and like yeah it's called something like..

[Searing Life]: For every point of health that a druid heals on an ally, the druid deals damage equivalent damage, including overheals to the ally's target.

We get to be Heals DPS on Valithria, why not just make heals also deal damage?

COME ON!! Casting rejuv regrowth three stacks of lifebloom on everyone then spam a wildgrowth then using tranquility isn't THAT OP!

What happened to swiftmend hitting multiple targets and rejuv hitting multiple targets screw the T10 jumping rejuv it should be automatically jumping so we can deal more damage! And what happened to the Tranquility Aura that now it looks like Paladins get?? Paladins already heal for 80353253 health in each Flash of Light and Holy Hands or whatever the heck they're doing!!

So yeah, take that purchaseable stuff! If there was an offering of some DEMONIC or Skeletal dragon or Kraken (release it!) I'd buy it, since most of us probably will make more than $25 just from the time spent reading this entry.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why Oh Why Melee?

Despite my gripes with playing melee, why is playing a warrior tank SO FUN?

Bruny the Warrior went from 27 to 29 in just a couple of runs! To my horror, some of the randoms dropped me in the middle of nowhere in Gnomeregan! EEP!

It's ok, Thunderclap everything and get my revenge on everything and rock the charts while tanking! I seriously dont' even know how to DPS as a warrior and I have a feeling that tanking as one provides more damage output since all the mobs are focusing on you which means RAAGE!

Compared to early tanking as a paladin where we run up to the mobs, or ranged taunt them, then spill all your mana on the floor, use your hammer of judgeness and autoattack and wait to spend more mana. MANA. Though I think mobs tend to stick to a paladin more just from Consecrate so I don't know...

And this warrior has messed up my Toon List! They were supposed to progress based on their position on my character list which now looks like this:

80, 80, 80, 80, 67, 46, 26, 23, 17, 29, it's WRONG!!! GRRR!!

I feel that after some Scarlet Monastery runs tonight Bruny will be rockin' in his mid 30's!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Truny the Warlock's Upgrade Day!

Truny is officially a member of the Dark Coven! Yesterday was a day of four upgrades actually, starting off with 78 emblems of frost I did the daily and we cleared up to Festergut for an additional 14 bringing the total up to 92! We actually controlled Wintergrasp fortunately, and Toravon the Frost Pinata yielded an extra four emblems, killing him on both modes.

That was the first upgrade, the Dark Coven Hood. It wasn't exactly an upgrade from the Hood of Smoldering Aftermath, since it has less haste HOWEVER it has 88 more crit and along with my T10 gloves provides the straight 5% crit bonus to three of my nukes.

The second upgrade was from hitting honored with the Ashen Verdict assholes, a nice shinier ring.

Having hit honored, I also bought the pattern to create and crafted for myself the Deathfrost Boots. Again the Hit on these shoes were needed since I dropped both my points in suppression and put them into Destructive Reach, threat reduction and standing farther away once again!

Last upgrade, which was actually the first upgrade I received was the Cord of the Patronizing Practitioner. Long enough name there? I get to patronize people even more now! This dropped off of Lord Marrowgar. I'd have to say, reading up and watching his strategy was more difficult than the actual fight. Stand in his hit box, don't worry about cold flame. Kill the person who's impaled (which looked really hilarious), and when he spins around, just dodge stuff. Done. Though this is not as strong as the emblem belt, but then again I can accrue the 60 emblems and put it towards the rest of the T10 set!

Um, the end!

Truny the Warlock

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gear Score: For Your Reference ONLY

No, I don't get sick of this new "trend" in electronic-penis-society, which is our beloved Gear Score.

Remember, don't ask how much "more GS" does this new piece give you, but how much more benefit be it in threat generation, damage mitigation, heals per second or damage per second does this piece give you and does it work with your current set. Ok, chastising done.

I attempted to play my rusty DK again. Remember Klupty? The dual-wield Frost death knight aka Jewelcrating Slave?

In an effort to maximize my Primordial Saronite (I don't know why I made it blue HEY I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT GET OFF MY CASE MOM!) acquisition rate, since my DK has access to the daily Frosts, why not play him?

Sure queuing as a DPS toon in which I have no care in the world for any upgrades may be a waste of time but this game as a whole is a waste of time so...why not?

Klupty's gear goes to an extent of the T9 helm, and everything else is either ilvl200 and a couple of ilvl 187 or lower pieces. This puts his "gear score" at I think 3500?

Our views have been skewed, THIS USED TO BE VERY HIGH/NORMAL. Once you finished your heroic grind, the only upgrades came from Naxxramas 25, remember remember?

Ok back to story, so I queue him up and plop plop plop we all show up and I do the ritual-scan-everyone-to-check-for-average-dungeon-run-time-and-competency.

Our tank was in ICC25 equivalents and everyone else was sporting somewhere between 4800 and 5100 gearscore, so TOC25 and ICC10 POTENTIAL.

However I don't let that sway my decision until the first couple of pulls when RECOUNT finishes the tale.

Klupty 85,000 damage 2,400 dps
Tank 80,000 damage 2,350 DPS
Hunter 55,000 damage 2,100DPS
Warlock 55,000 damage 2,100 DPS
Mage (very new toon) 23,000 damage 1,100 DPS

WAIT A MINUTE! How am I generating more damage, let alone DPS than such "geared" people?

First assumption: They are not slacking, but are wearing high level PVP Gear.

Why? I did see the hunter's Misdirection fire off at each pull. A clear sign of professional. The warlocks' spells and AOE rotation were appropriate for each of the pulls, no excessive life tapping. WHOA I'm the creepy neighbor that stalks and prowls in the shadows aren't I?? AHHH!!

Anyways. Assumption correct.

This is the extreme example of using this "Gearscore" thingy to judge. It's a great base reference but the numbers don't lie.

After that dungeon Klupty's saronite count went up to 14 and I'm not sure if I can suffer through five more dailies playing as a DK ... D;

Klupty the Death Knight

Warriors so Rowdy

The tenth toon on my character list: Bruny the Warrior. Having seen some of our Warrior Tanks do about 15k DPS tanking, with 80% of their damage coming from 10k Revenge Crits, I had to check this "revenge thing" out.

So apparently, Revenge is an ability that you get to use only in Defensive Stance, and you can use it everytime you dodge/block/parry?

I like this ability, it rewards you for being a good tank. The better your tanking abilities are, the more you are able to use this amazing ability.

Why is it amazing? It's an instant attack, and with Improved Revenge, it hits a second target all for five rage.

My level 25 warrior is rocking 60-100 dps!!

I know, I was intent on levelling up Bruny as a Fury warrior, but it's SO much faster just switching to tanking, getting insta-queues and getting my Revenge on everything!

Though when I first queued it took a while to work out all the abilities that I left on my bar.

First there's Sunder Armor. I heard that was good for threat, so I put it on the same key binding as my druid's Lacerate. Ok, one down.

Revenge of course, is the next button beside it and I like watching for it to light up.

Cleave. Should I use this? It's expensive on rage but its nice to well...cleave an extra mob? I've been using this less and less though.

Heroic Strike. Single target attack, I tend to only use this on bosses. This is kind of like our Mangle, but on next hit, like Maul. But one target. Hmm.

Shield Block. Using it on every cooldown, kinda like my Paladin's shield something (let's your next 8 blocks block more or something) ability.

Shield Slam. Apparently this does no damage and only interrupts DUHH I thought it was damaging, that's all.

The other abilities at the end of my bar all look the same: Some dude yelling.

I was looking for my Taunt, I forgot if it was 9,0, -, or = so I tried to look at my bar and all the icons involved some dude yelling.

Intimidating Shout, Battle Shout, Fierce Cry, War Cry, Loud Shout, Intimidate. WTF?!?! Why are warriors yelling so much?

Maybe that's why my rage bar is always empty, this pent up fury is wasted screaming at the top of our lungs every few minutes.

This is a melee class I think I can get used to. We dont' use Mana, I HATE mana unless I get to Tap it back. That eliminates Paladins and Shamans. I can SEE what abilities I am using. That eliminates DKs. Yes the developer notes reflected some of my thoughts on the DK class. They have TONS of abilities where on their own feel very underwhelming like frost hit, disease hit, some other hit, then use your set-up hit, THEN use your only one attack that actually does good damage AND watch all your disesase AND watch all your runes and the only thing you're NOT watching is the actual screen. I think a healer spends more time watching the actual raid than a DK just trying to work through 15 seconds of their rotation. But actually spamming random buttons is OKAY but who doesn't want to be PERFECT especially for DPS since its a race to the sky if you're down on the charts you should delete your character right?

Thunderclap lights up my entire screen! I did something, it's tactile, in a pixel sort of way! And that's all I need! SMASH, it has impact! Sure, you can argue that every other ability so far such as sunder armor and revenge and heroic strike all aren't very noticeable but...THUNDERCLAP!

The only thing I miss from the Paladin tanking is that ranged taunt that also does damage.

So essentially I went from 17 to 25 or maybe 26 I forget in just a few hours of dungeons and I am proud to say our group did NOT get lost in Wailing Caverns, FINALLY after two years I have learned to navigate this place!

Bruny the Warrior

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Truny the Warlock on the Cataclysm Warlock Class Preview

Very interesting stuff going on in the upcoming expansion, my extensive comments will be in purple.

New Fun Spells

Fel Flame (level 81): Quick-hitting spell dealing Shadowfire damage. This is similar to the mage ability Frostfire Bolt, in that the lower of the two resistances (in this case shadow and fire) on your target will be used for calculating its damage. Additionally, Fel Flame refreshes the duration of Immolate and Unstable Affliction. Our goal for Fel Flame is to provide a spell that's good for mobility and for use by Destruction and Demonology specs. Also, did we mention it uses green fire? Yep. Instant cast.

First of all, this spell better look wicked cool, and not just a green plain fireball! You've gone this far to making it green, make it worth casting!

In terms of DPS for us Demonologists, I see this spell being on a 12 second cooldown, this would be a nice way to deal damage AND refresh Immolate without wasting the cast time of Immolate and its insignificant direct damage.

Dark Intent (level 83): Increases the target's chance for a critical effect with periodic damage or healing spells by 3%. When the target lands a crit, you get a buff to your damage for 10 seconds. This effect stacks up to three times.

Ok what? This sounds like a two-in-one thing. What do they mean by the Target's Chance? Ok so it sounds like our very own Focus Magic which we can cast on our allies, and each time they get a crit, our damage goes up, nice! We finally have something to give back to the mages instead of Unending Breath HAHA! I like the idea of this spell "here have some free crit, while it actually increases MY damage too!". Or just give it to a healer if you're nto buddies with the mage.

Demon Soul (level 85): Fuses the warlock's soul with his or her demon. This provides warlocks with a self-burst cooldown to use. The specific effects granted by Demon Soul depend on the demon chosen. Demon Soul lasts for a certain number of charges or until it expires (around 20 seconds), depending on the demon used. 2-minute cooldown.

Hey didn't I kind of Ridiculously Demand this last time? Though mine actually involved physical fusing with the demon. I am so sure there will be new talents inside the Demonology tree to make this more sexy than the two other trees I mean com'on...Demon. Soul. I bet, if we used this along with Metamorphosis it'd be super sexy. Ok. Done.

Soul Shard Overhaul

This major change regarding Soul Shards was previously announced at BlizzCon 2009. Soul Shards will no longer be inventory items, but instead a new UI resource mechanic. Warlocks will have 3 Soul Shards that can be used during a fight and will not be able to gain additional shards during combat. Soul Shards will not be required outside of combat. Soul Burn will consume a Soul Shard resource, thereby allowing you to use the secondary effects of some spells. Soul Burn has no mana or health costs and is off the global cooldown. Planned secondary effects are outlined here.

Summon Demon + Soul Burn = summon the demon instantly.
Drain Life + Soul Burn = Reduces cast speed by 60%.
Demonic Circle + Soul Burn = Increases movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds after teleporting.
Unstable Affliction + Soul Burn = Instantly deals damage equal to 30% of its effect.
Soul Fire + Soul Burn = Instant cast.
Healthstone + Soul Burn = Increases total health by 20% for 8 seconds.
Searing Pain + Soul Burn = Increases the crit chance of Searing Pain by 100%, and subsequent Searing Pain spells by 50% for 6 seconds.

Finally, the annoying aspects of having to fill up our bags with Shards is GONE! They are now a new battle mechanic, aka mini cooldowns which we can use in each individual battle which adds a whole new layer of things when popping cooldowns. So many upcoming cooldowns no? The only thing I see cool here is Burning 3x Soul Burns at the very end of a Boss' life to make the best use of Decimation for three insta-Soul Fires!

But..bag space yay!

Spell and Talent Changes

All warlock damage-over-time (DoT) spells will benefit from crit and haste innately. Haste will no longer act to reduce the DoT's duration, but rather to add additional ticks. When reapplying a DoT, you can no longer "clip" the final tick. Instead, this will just add duration to the spell, similar to how Everlasting Affliction currently works.

Good good and good! Having a faster DoT was nice, but ADDING more ticks to it is even better, less reapplications! Not having DoTs clip is also very nice..just a timing and awareness issue but now it's safe to reapply early.

Curse of Agony and Curse of Doom will be converted into Bane of Agony and Bane of Doom. Bane spells are considered magic instead of curses. This means you will be able to cast one Bane (e.g. Bane of Agony) and one Curse (e.g. Curse of Elements) on a single target.

Aww we LOSE two Curses, do we get two new curses to work with since I can only see Curse of Elements as the ONLY useful Curse. Maybe a new Curse of the Devil which increases...oh nevermind I'll do that in my Fourth Edition of Ridiculous Demands.

In short: We get to apply MORE debuffs WOOT!

Hellfire will no longer deal damage to the warlock.

NOO!! How do I suicide when fail-group has failed?? NOOOOO!! Wait will it get buffed so it'll be stronger than Rain of Fire?? Who knows! But NOO NO MORE SUICIDE!!! QQQQQQ

Imps will lose Fire Shield, but will gain a new ability, Burning Ember, which is a stacking DoT.

Yay more DoTs!! But it was fun randomly spamming Fire Shield on people "clang clang clang clang"....

The succubus melee range will be increased. The succubus will no longer have Soothing Kiss, but will instead have Whiplash, which knocks back all enemies within 8 yards.

I don't really use her anymore but...ok....

Voidwalker Torment will do increased damage and generate a lot of area-of-effect (AoE) threat.

ORALLY. Good for levelling?

Suffering will become a single-target taunt.

Oh. What was it before?

Pandemic will now cause Drain Soul to refresh Unstable Affliction and Bane of Agony on targets below 25% health.

Oh! I've played Affliction for 10 minutes before and when a mob/boss is at low health you want to switch to Soul Drain since it does massive five digit crits and will keep your Corruption refreshed but you tend to let the other dots fall off, or refresh them between ticks but now it will keep TWO DoTs constantly in play which means MORE DAMAGE! (Right right?)

The ability Fel Domination will be removed (because Soul Burn accomplishes the same effect).

Yes it does.

Demonology will gain a new direct-damage spell, Demon Bolt. Demon Bolt will add a debuff that improves the damage done by the demon to the target.

Yay class specific abilities! I think it will be like a shadowbolt with a nice swirl of red flame or blue nether. How much damage does it increase? Will Blagroon the Felguard finally see some nice 4k crits? How much damage does the bolt itself do, where do I place it on my spell priority list? GAH SO MUCH UNKOWN!

We plan to add a new talent, Impending Doom, which will give certain spells a chance to reduce the cooldown on Metamorphosis and Bane of Doom.

Wow nice! Is it going to be high up or in the middle or near the end of the...Demonology Tree? Though I have a feeling this isn't going to happen but being able to randomly cast Metamorphosis more is godly! Though doesn't Bane of Doom, the old Curse of Doom NEED 60 seconds to take effect, so if you reduce its cooldown, it would still be ON the enemy so it wouldn't matter....until it falls off....after 60 seconds..UNLESS Bane also counts as a "damage over time" even though its "one piece of damage at the end of some time", then maybe.....more Bane of Dooms hmm....

Metamorphosis will no longer be subject to demonic crowd control. Furthermore, abilities available only while under the effects of Metamorphosis will be altered to put more emphasis on the warlock's own spells.

PVP, we can not be banished or turned undead? Will there be some QQ coming up on this?

What "more emphasis on the Warlock's own spells", means that we will probably receive a lot more cooldown based abilities while in Demon-Mode such as "increase damage", "increase spell haste", "activate for insta-attack". Right right?

Shadowburn will now do additional damage to targets below 25% health.

Good for the Destruction tree when an enemy is close to impending death and Conflag is on cooldown, and an immolate/chaos bolt would not land due to its cast time.

In conclusion, SO many new cooldowns and abilities to juggle and maintain = fun fun!

Truny the Warlock

Truny the Warlock on Merlin's Robe

Alright, Trial of the Crusader 25 gears. Merlin's Robe. Wait wait what's wrong with the regular T9 Warlock Chest obtainable via Emblem of Triumphs? Well, take a look at Merlin's Robe again, what does it have, and not have? I am also using the ilvl 232 chest as a comparison since I am assuming one is not going to raid and obtain a thingamadoodle to upgrade the Warlock chest into Gul'dan's Robe of Triumph. (But it doesn't matter anyways, you'll see..)

Merlin's Robe
First of all, switching to this robe, we lose a significant amount of Spirit, you'll lose about 35 spellpower but that's ok since Spirit won't be needed in the future!

What else is missing? Merlin's robe does not have HIT! As you can see the T9 chest is pure spellpower and hit, nothing special, if you require this hit don't switch or switch up your gears to compensate. That is what I did, by switching chest pieces I was undercap by a little bit.

Truny recently got lucky at the Vault of Archavon Lotto and received a pair of
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves, the 25 man version which aha has the same amount of hit as the T9 chest! I kept these gloves in my bag until I managed to win an auction on the Merlin's Robe pattern to switch out all the gears (ugh). (If I had used them then, I would have been WAY over the hit cap and also woudl have lost nice juicy haste from my existing gloves). I now have the Gloves of False Gestures as an off-piece or until I find another random upgrade to switch it back in, or buy another T10 Warlock piece to try out the Two Piece Bonus.

Actually if I manage to up my hit rating I can switch the Gloves of False Gestures back and have a near 990 haste rating (DROOL)

Yes, the T10 gloves DO NOT have my favourite stat HASTE, but remember, Merlin's robe has a LOT of haste on it!

Along with the 90 haste rating, Merlin's Robe also has a free 66 crit. rating, which I just take as a bonus!

Wait stop! What about saving up 95 Emblems for the T10 chest? Sure, that is a nice alternative too but since MY current Frost Emblem count is at 66 and I intend on upgrading my helm or belt's irrelevant.

Trying to keep a nice high haste will maintaining the hit cap essentially is fjkdahfda!!

Truny the Warlock

Monday, April 5, 2010

Is a Warlock Right For You?

Hello friend, are you curious about the demonic antics those so called Warlocks are so obsessed about? Are you interested in becoming a Warlocky Warlock for yourself? Are you unsure if this is the right class for you? No worries!

Just take a quick dip through Truny's short questionaire (omg is that how you spell this I'm too lazy to spellcheck) and tally up your points to see if perhaps, you are suited to be a Warlock.

1. Are you interested in playing a ranged magic type character, or prefer melee up front physical characters?

If you answered ranged, give yourself five points and proceed.

2. Are you interested in Demons to help you "4 teh fite"?

If you answered yes, give yourself five points and proceed.
If you answered no, you can still be a mage, a priest, or an elemental shaman, or a hunter who stacks spell power,or a DK who stacks spellpower and spams icy touch!

3. Do the words: Fear, Corruption, Destruction, Decimation, Immolate, Haunt, Soul Drain appeal to you?

If you answered yes, give yourself five points and proceed.
If you answerd no, well, you can still WAND things to death but if you said yes to Demons....

4. Would you like to have the ability to summon others at any given location, or resurrect others using Soul Essence after they have died?

If you answered yes, you are a prudent one. No points, but you may proceed.
If you answerd no, well too bad those are abilities you get and you bet your ASS you'll be asked to use them, you may proceed.
If you answered "no but it'll come in handy for when those other people are failing", five points for you, and you may proceed.

5. Do you like having to allocate an entire bag slot JUST to hold Warlock specific reagants which help you do cool (aka HAVE to have in order to do) Warlocky things such as summon demons, make weapon buffs, and Soul Shatter to reduce threat on a long cooldown which sometimes fail?

HA too bad, proceed, minus 5 points to EVERYONE!

6. In terms of dealing damage, do you prefer to slowly whittle the life out of your foe using damage over time effects via curses and corrupting their very soul, or do you prefer blasting shadow and fire in an all-out assault?

If you chose Damage over Time, you may be interested in becoming an Affliction warlock which specialize in the best sustained damage in the game. Your shadow damage is unmatched! With certain talents you can heal yourself through the pain and anguish of your foes!

If you chose all-out assault:

A) You may be interested in the Demonology tree. Your spells and effects help other characters in your group or raid by boosting their spellpower, you are less squishy than the two other trees, and you also get a mini-warrior Demon! You can also transform into a Demon yourself, boosting armor and damage. When a boss is at 35% health or less its your time to shine but I'll let you figure out why yourself!

B) You may be interested in the Destruction tree. Your main demon friend is your very first bestest friend the Imp! Though by your hand alone will you unleash a barrage of flame and chaos as your fire spells will get a massive boost! (And since Conflagrate got an initial damage reduction, with the damage put into a small DoT, your threat wont' be AS high but still high!)

So yeah...uhh...welcome! As a Fresh Warlock, the only thing you must remember is to:

i. Soulstone Your Healer
ii. Give People Their Healthstones Which They Will Not Use
iii. Summon Lazy Asses Because You Might As Well Since It Takes Too Much Effort To Walk To The Summoning Stone
iv. Kill

Truny the Warlock

Truny the Warlocks' Guide to the Noble Something Easter Event

Yeah, I'm four years late to the party but I don't care!

I used to think all the holiday events were a waste of time because I was too busy gearing up and accumulating wealth and the holiday events did neither to increase one's wealth or get geared up.

So what's with this event?

OK FIRST OF ALL, I thought the event would only last for ONE day so I was a bit aggressive in collecting those shiny shiny eggs.

Essentially you equip an easter basket in your offhand which gives you a constant 60% increase to run speed if you click it every cooldown (works only in the places where eggs are hidden).

Open up your Achievement panel, look at what you need to buy, and you'll see that everything you need can be obtained using those Noble Chocolate thingers, and clicking them in the appropriate spots. Sometime's you'll find the items you need inside an egg which saves you time!

The best place I found to collect eggs was in Falconwing Square, specifically, the Fountain in the middle of Falconwing Square. There are about five or six different spawn points of eggs IN the fountain, and also the FOUR BENCHES around the fountain also have eggs that spawn under them.

You can be aggressive and monopolize the entire fountain, as long as you stand in the same "section" of the fountain that the eggs spawn, you can click on it so its safe to stand between the statues on the side of the fountain (since you can't jump into the fountain). You can easily get 100 eggs in 20 minutes.


What I didn't understand was why other people were clicking MY eggs, I obviously had my eye on the ENTIRE area yet people just kept coming and clicking on my eggs!

I know that the fountain can be shared by two or three people, each taking a section, but why? It's slow and inefficient!

Why is this event so stressful and competitive?? It makes people STEAL my eggs, yes I repeat MY eggs!


In Brill earlier but I don't know why there were so many people online stealing all my eggs! It's Easter! Go spend time with your family or log off and play another game! I don't even celebrate Easter yet I'm doing this in-game lame? It's ok to collect eggs now since I have no use for them ANYMORE.

I WAS, however, very helpful to my fellow Turalyonians. I equipped the Elegant Dress which I found inside an egg and stood still like those assholes on their expensive or rare mounts in the middle of Dalaran, helping people with their achievements (while AFK reading the Dracula Sequel).

The end.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Wanna Tuskarr NAO!

Have you checked your Wowarmory character today? I'm not sure if there are other races for different people but my character is a Tuskarr!

OMG how awesome would that be? Tuskarr Warlock! A fumbling little Tuskarr just minding my own business and all of a sudden: Mwahahah DIE! "Go my Minion! And Kill!", as my Demon-Fel-Walrus-Guard lets loose with a terrifying war-cry "HAWWWWW!" and I transform into a Demonic Illidan-Walrus on Fire!


Truny the Walrus Thinger

Truny the Warlock on the Ashen Verdict

Ok I've been inside Icecrown Citadel for a total of TWO times and my current reputation standing with the Ashen Verdict is 2,991/3,000. One more mob kill to hit friendly (tonight!).

Getting friendly through non-sexual means with the Ashen Verdict means the easiest obtainable and cheapest non-drop ilvl 251 ring. In our Warlocky case it is the
Ashen Band of Destruction. Kill things, they start to like you, have a ring.

Though the hit on this ring will put my WAY over the hit cap of 17%, the slight slight increase in haste and spellpower from my current "filler" ring, the
Band of Channeled Magic makes this a very nice solid upgrade. See there's nothing wrong with using a T7.5 ring at all! Yeah Truny and her goddamn haste!

Also as we swap out our T9-ish gear I found that a lot of items do not have hit on them anymore, so...whatever for now!

The Ashen Verdict are a pretentious bunch. I assume they gave not a wisp of their interest in our endeavors while we were GRINDING AND GRINDING rep for the Argent Crusade *shakes fist* and the Knights of the Ebon Blade. We ground ourselves to freakin' Exalted with the two factions, and all of a sudden now that they are assaulting the Citadel in all of their glory through their outstanding abilities, they forget all about us!


(It means discounts to head enchants if you need them duh)

But! So you mean these skilled craftsmen of the Ashen Verdict knew how to create T10.5 gear ALL throughout the existence of Naxxramas? We did fine without, but why hold back? If they had JUST discovered how to transform and mold Saronite to their will, they are also in their learning curves, why forget about us?

The good: Calm down its ok, since rep can be gained through killing things and NOT questing.
And you know how much I like quests! At this rate, it's not really a grind, it's just a nice little bonus for your efforts.

Just take it as it is: A number that slowly increases and once it hits a certain number you get some loot.

Truny the Warlock

Google Kluptomania

What happens when you google Kluptomania?

First google will ask you if you meant "Kleptomania".

Sort of. Though it was a coincidence that Kluptomania sounds like Kleptomania.

You'll see the blog's main site listed first, then the listing on Twistednether.

Next you'll see a youtube video of someone killing red harpes in the game of Maplestory and they are going "Kluptomania" on them.

I used to play Maplestory, then took a big break after going on a three month trip to Hong Kong back in 2008. During that time, level 120+ stuff came out and my friend in there was showing me his new Priestly powers.

The next results you see are something like [= E.A.K.D.'s Kluptomania =]. That is my old MSN blog which I never shut down.

The remaining results are unrelated.

On the second search page, you'll see, which is my current non-WoW blog, which streams into facebook. Weird stuff!

Klupty Not the DK This Time